Bernd Altpeter
Digital Health Manager for Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
Bernd Altpeter studied business administration in Germany, France and the USA. He has been working in the e-health and telemedical field since 2006; previously, he served as a consultant for numerous companies in life sciences e.g. as Partner of the Management Consulting Company Monitor Group as well as founder of the Driving Growth Group. From December 2014 to 2016, Bernd Altpeter held the role of President International at Physicians Interactive USA. In 2016 Bernd Altpeter started the Digital Health Group including the German Institut of Telemedicin and Health Promotion, Medulife – a Health IT company and Best Care Solution a company for integrated management contracts. Latest the Digital Health Group is part of Curalie. Now Bernd is taking responsibility for Digital Health at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health.