“HEALTH is a responsibility of the entire Society – you are welcome to take action with us together”
President`s Office – Happy to Support
Contact per Email: President@healthcaptains.club
Contact by Cellphone: +49-172-1627033
Contact by Landline: +49-4681-4646
Club: https://www.healthcaptains.club/
Events: https://healthcaptains.events
College: https://healthcaptains.college
Institute: https://healthcaptains.institute
Headquarter: Jens-Jacob-Eschel-Strasse 17 / D-25938 NIEBLUM ON FÖHR ISLAND / GERMANY
Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, President of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and RÜNJHAID! Freundeskreis der nordfriesischen Seefahrerinseln Föhr, Amrum, der Halligen, Sylt, der Insel Kos und der MEDICINALE e.V. @ INSELKONTOR FÖHR – Glaube – Liebe Hoffnung / Jens-Jacob-Eschel-Strasse 17 / D-25938 NIEBLUM – FÖHR ISLAND / GERMANY
Fon +49-4681-4646 / President@healthcaptains.club / President@ruenjhaid.org / www.ruenjhaid.org