Kos Island
“Islands are the frontal zones of the earth in which the main problems of development and environmental change become apparent”
Quote from Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations (United Nations 1999)
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB starts 2022 to work on interacting with The International Hippocratic Foundation of Kos to build for our Board of Young Leaders powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE 360-degree next-generation Leadership for ONE HEALTH.
In the long term we are planing a Young Leader Forum and yearly Symposium on the Greek Island Kos to take action to built a new Hippocartic Oath for One Health together power by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE and to develop an international value-based One Health Ecosystem Strategy for Europe and beyond. The Medical School of Hippocrates of Kos was started about 2.500 Years ago. This is the right historic place to think and act for One Health to explore sustainable Medicine 4.0 together. We try to partner with the International Hippocratic Foundation on Kos Island. Your Input and Support is welcome.
You are welcome on Board – leadership starts with you and in every generation new and we want to support you with our mentorship and our “silo free” multiprofessional strategic network system for sustainable Medicine 4.0 and One Health. We offer Young Leaders a Membership @ THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and to take action together in our Board of Young Leaders. Please contact us that we can support you with our network and alliance system – we are promoting as founding body of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE for #NewNormal the scaling of #NewLeadership for Health 4.0.
The Board of Young Leaders is transdisciplinary, diverse and international. Based on the Social Brain Hypothesis and our knowledge about Neuroleadership , the Dunbar-Numbers , the Tipping-Point-Strategy and the Medici Effect the Board of Young Leaders is composed of max. 150 Members to build a synchronized and strong strategic network system towards Leadership for exploring sustainable Health.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB offers Mentorship for next-generation YOUNG LEADERS and is building for the generations to come The Health Captains College Mentorship Academy to shape the Excellence of “360-Degree Next-Generation multiprofessional and international #NewLeadership for the HEALTH INDUSTRY, HEALTH SCIENCES and HEALTH POLICY” together.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE act for the Board of Young Leaders as Mentorship Academy for Health 4.0 and One Health in Europe and beyond. You can apply as student in medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing sciences, health sciences, public health, bioinformatics, biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology , digital health sciences, biology, zoology, information technology, physics, robotics, engineering, health economics, national economics, medical law etc. – we want to promote a real diverse next-generation leadership eco-system for sustainable Medicine and One Health from Europe and beyond.
Background of The International Hippocratic Foundation of Kos
a) To relay and cultivate the Ideals of Medicine as conceived and applied by Hippocrates it 25 centuries ago, and described the humanitarian notions of “either aid or do not harm”, and “where love for man exists, love for art will also follow”.
b) To extend the values of Hippocratic Medicine based humanitarian consciousness and philanthropic morality of Physicians and the inauguration of a new era of “humanized” medicine whose sole purpose is to serve and upgrade the life of man.
c) To publish the work of Hippocrates, manuscripts relating to Hippocratic Medicine, publications of the post Hippocratic era work related to Hippocratic Ideals and to promote the spirit and moral principles of Hippocrates by using all appropriate means (e.g. Internet)
d] To establish and function of independent or affiliated Hospitals, Institutes or Laboratories of Scientific Research for the promotion of Biomedical Sciences as well as a Conference Center, Hippocratic Library and a Museum of Medicine.
e) To provide hospitality within the building to doctors who wish to conduct studies medical or historical studies or research ancient Greek culture in the Asklepieion isolated and far from any noise, within the Hippocratic Sacred Space and other archaeological treasures of the Kos for a short time, regardless of gender, ethnicity and race for a minimal amount.
f) To organize a Meeting for Physicians from all over the world at the INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONFERENCE (International Medical Olympiad) for the exchange of thoughts and the interchanging of various current issues, and in particular for the Hippocratic and Neo-Hippocratic Medicine and Cosmic Theory of Medical Ethics.
g) To award the best study, which deals with the advancement of medical science in general and in particular with Hippocratic Medicine during the International Medical Olympiad. To organize special events in order to honor those who have won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. The awards will be awarded by the Supreme Officer of the Greek State.