HONORARY MEMBER Ambassador Gurjit Singh
Indian diplomat with 37 years of experience
Ambassador Gurjit Singh is a senior Indian diplomat with 37 years of experience. He has been the Ambassador of India to Germany, Indonesia and ASEAN and Ethiopia and the African Union besides having been in in Japan, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Italy on assignment. He has authored four books the last of which was Opportunity Beckons: Adding Momentum to the Indo-German partnership which focused on how India and Germany can diversify and intensify their relations in a globalizing world as good partners. He frequently contributes on economic, developmental, strategic and trade issues to various journals and books. He has an abiding interest in developmental economics and issues of sustainable development. He is an Honorary Professor of Humanities at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore. He Chairs the CII business Task Force on Trilateral Cooperation in Africa.
Ambassador Gurjit Sing is Honorary Member of RÜNJHAID! Freundeskreis der nordfriesischen Seefahrerinseln Föhr, Amrum, den Halligen, Sylt, der Insel Kos und der Medicinale e.V. and of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB.