Dr. Dagmar Steiner, MD, MBA
Radiologist, Registered Nurse, MBA in Healthcare, Management Consultant and Corporate Developer
Senior Managerin Healthcare Consulting PwC
Dr. med. Dagmar Steiner, MD., MBA is a Radiologist, Registered Nurse, has a MBA in Healthcare and today a Management Consultant and Corporate Developer.
Dr. Steiner studied at the Medical Center of the University Hamburg-Eppendorf, where she completed her medical degree, specialising in diagnostic radiology. Consequently, Dr. Steiner worked at the University of Philadelphia (Department of Cardiology) and the University Hospital Zurich (Department of Radiology) to expand her medical training and expertise. Previously, Dr. Steiner was trained as a registered nurse and has worked in the cardiac intensive care unit during her studies.
Moreover, through freelance consulting activities at Philips Healthcare Consulting, operational and strategic hospital management roles at Asklepios Kliniken Hamburg, regional revenue and strategy management at consus clinicmanagement and corporate development activities at the Klinikum Oldenburg, Dr. Steiner has gained significant experience in operational and strategic management functions. Change and interim management, as well as organisational restructuring are the main focus of Dr. Steiner’s daily responsibilities.
Dr. Steiner has actively been volunteering, in the civil and political space. As chairwoman of the Women’s Union (CDU) and as a mentor to the CDU’s women support programs, she has attained a broad set of leadership and management skills.
Across her professional and personal engagements, Dr. Steiner has attained a broad network of healthcare professionals and regional as well as national politicians.