Dr. Moritz Erasmus Behm
Professor Dr. rer. pol.
Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, and Food Industries
Behm International Consulting, Munich, Germany
Prof. Dr. Moritz Erasmus Behm is Professor for Digital Innovation and Transformation Management at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Munich. He is an experienced management consultant with a proven track record in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, aerospace, food and nutritional supplements industries with a broad range of project experience on the national and international stage (USA, UK, Switzerland, Italy). After studying business administration with a focus on healthcare and international business, he earned his doctorate in digital health and innovation at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. He first started his professional career as a management consultant at Lufthansa’s in-house consulting firm, Lufthansa Consulting, and then moved to the internationally renowned management and technology consulting firm Campana & Schott. Since 2016, he has been self-employed consultant. His main fields of activity are digital transformation, strategy formulation & implementation, market expansion as well as change and innovation management in DAX companies and multinational corporations, medium-sized companies and start-ups.