Dr. Patrick Bröker, MBA
Invest in Health Strategist and Advisor
02.2021 – now
Potsdam Transfer, University of Potsdam Transfermanager
- Network to bring science and business together
- Initiate, coordinate und support knowledge & technology
transfer from university of potsdam, Fraunhofer institutions IZI
& IAP & “Fakultät der Gesundheitswissenschaften” into industry
01.2019 – now
Humangold GmbH Managing Director
- Securing financing by using the nationwide and regional development landscapes
- Addressing investors and potential cooperation partners
- Implementation of marketing and sales strategies
- Customer acquisition
06.2018 – 05.2019
EXIST- Founder scholarship holder „Psy&B“ Project leader & Initiator
EXIST is a grant from the ministry of economy and energy (BMWi) to incorporate a company
- Business Developer
- Development of a supporting network
- Creation of marketing and sales strategies
- Writing of the financial plan and business plan
- Acquisition of pilot costumers
04.2015 – 12.2018
Bröker INVEST GmbH & Co.KG Managing Director
- Consulting and coaching of start-up projects
- Responsible for admission to the consulting and coaching pools
of the Federal Office of Economics & Export Control (BAFA), the WFBB and start-up centres Berliner und Brandenburger Universitäten
- Development of a supporting network
- Support and leading of own investments
10.2012 – 12.2017
Potsdam Transfer, University of Potsdam
08.2015 – 12.2017
Consultant for spin-offs out of University of Potsdam
- Support spin-offs finding capital & writing grants
- Coaching entrepreneurs in
- Projectplaning
- Team composition and competence diversification
- Financing strategy
- Business plan preparation
- Presentation training for addressing investors
- Evaluation of start-up projects in relation to
- Level of innovation and opportunities for special funding
- Strategies and prospects of success
- Teamcompetencies
- Development of an investors & companies network
10.2012 – 12.2015
- Working out the exploitation potential of scientific work with students, doctoral researchers and professors
- Advice on funding opportunities for
- Start-upprojects
- Transfer & Collaboration projects with companies
07.2011 – 07.2012
Nova Biomedical GmbH Consultant
- Customer acquisition
- Price and implementation negotiations
01.2009 – today
Bröker Besitzgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG Managing Director
05.2008 – 06.2011
University of Potsdam, SpinOff-Project iPOC Scientific Research Employee
- Development of Point-of-Care devices
- Publication in professional journals
- Presentations at trade exhibitions
11.2006 – 05.2008
GILUPI GmbH Scientific Research Employee
- Development of the diagnostic agent
- Design and implementation of validation experiments
University degree Master of Business Administration
10.2012 – 01.2013
Master thesis at Prof. Dr. K. Hölzle, Potsdam: „Welche Maßnahmen fördern akademische Spin-Offs von naturwissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern und Studenten im Wirkungsbereich der Universität Potsdam?“
Study Master of Business Administration (MBA) at University of Potsdam (BioMedTech)
06.2003 – 06.2006
PhD Thesis at Prof. Dr. A. Kirschning, Hanover: “Synthesis of artificial aminoglycosides and development of test systems to investigate binding sites on RNA”
09.2002 – 03.2003
Diploma Thesis at Prof. Dr. A. Kirschning, Hanover
“ Synthesis of artificial aminoglycosides ”