Dr. Rüdiger Beck
Preventive Medicine and Psychology
vivamind – Ges. f. Präventivmedizin und Psychologie mbH
Dr. med. Rüdiger Beck is a specialist for internal medicine and for occupational medicine, with the subdisciplines diabetology, sports medicine and preventive medicine.
He is Co-Founder and CEO of vivamind – company for preventive medicine and psychology (www.vivamind.de and www.expert.vivamind.de). vivamind is a university spin-off and provides digital solutions for personalized health management. B2B customers are companies, insurance companies as well as clinics and medical centers.
Rüdiger’s enthusiasm for prevention and health management plays an important role through his career: as founder of a multidisciplinary institution for internal medicine and a company for occupational medicine, as Founder and CEO of a national checkup association for executives (www.preventon.de) as well as own checkup centers in Düsseldorf and Dortmund (www.preveo.de).
Innovative concepts and foresight thinking play an important role in his career. He is interested in the dialog for a consistent realignment of our healthcare system and the roles of digitization and prevention in the future.