Fachapotheker für Offizin-Pharmazie Naturheilverfahren u. Homöopathie
Pharmacology & Homöopathie
In 2008 he founded his own practice in addition to his main business. After studying naturopathy 2006-2007 as a state-certified alternative practitioner he was able to offer his clients valuable and much appreciated treatment and counselling sessions. His further qualifications as a team and executive trainer, as a professional member of the German-Speaker-Association (GSA), the Global-Speaker-Federation (GSF) and other associations, have made him a highly sought-after nationwide speaker in the health sector. He is also active across all sectors. In 2014 he was appointed Senator in the Senate of Economy Germany (Berlin/Bonn). Due to his many publications in the magazine sector (e.g. Homöopathie – Leitartikel in der Apotheken UMSCHAU Auflage mtl.ca.12 Mio.) and his book on natural remedies for pets, which has been widely acclaimed since 2013, he was admitted to the Deutscher Fachjournalistenverband in 2015.