Diplom Kauffrau
International Expert in Digital Health
CEO Digital Health Germany e.V.
orn in 1966 in Bergneustadt / Germany, Ines Manegold had direct access to the health care system with the Association of Private Health Insurance at the University of Siegen after completing her degree in business administration. After managing the Berlin office, it went on to head the hospital planning department at AOK Thuringia and the positions of administrative director at the Rhein-Sieg-Klinik in Nümbrecht and the Diakoniefördergesellschaft Speyer to the board of directors, among others. as deputy Commercial Director at the Saarland University Hospital and the University of Cologne Hospital. Until 2010, Ines Manegold was the Commercial Director of the Düsseldorf University Clinic and was responsible for 6000 employees, 1161 beds including a nursing school. Ines Manegold had the steepest learning curve with regard to “external” or politically motivated influences between 2010 and 2013 as sole Director of the State Hospital Operating Company Carinthia (KABEG) in Klagenfurt, Austria.
Ines Manegold was named Manager of the Year 2011 by the renowned international Thieme Scientific Publishers for the work of merging the 5 clinics of the KABEG and the conception of the operating law, the laudation was given by the former Federal Minister of Health. Dr. Andrea Kdolsky. The last two positions as commercial manager of the Orthopedic University Clinic Friedrichsheim in Frankfurt / Main and interim manager of the Katholische Kliniken Emscher-Lippe GmbH broadened the spectrum of renovation expertise. Ines Manegold Digital Health Germany e.V. implements the long-term, intensive discussion of the topic of digitization in the healthcare sector. Ines Manegold is the Co-Chair of the Board of Experts of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB.