Jan Sebastian Sigbjörn Graebe
Dipl. Soz. Oec., Entrepreneur & Investor
360º Healthcare
Campus Vendela
Jan Sebastian Sigbjörn Graebe
University Education 1987 to 1996
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Basic Degree: Medicine
University Major Degree: Social Science- “Studium Generale” Public Health
– Hospital Business Administration
– Micro and Gross Health Economics,
– Jurisprudence (Public Administration) – Inter/national Political Sciences
Uni. Hospital of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Hospital of Göttingen, Cost Containment
Advanced Military Paramedic – 18 Month; Private second class (NATO)
Since 2014 Own Entrepreneurship Out Patient Real Estate Campus Vendela
Development and – until August 2018 – owned real-estates (3 shared owned Centers) for specialized out-patient services and same-day-surgery. Campus Vendela supports for-profit professional, full range management of medical services. The mission of Campus Vendela is to assure academically and human excellence in medicine in countryside’s region of Hannover, Germany.
2020/2021 ad interim: Head Business Development at VAMED hospital
Biggest hospital group in Germany; Development of the strategic market success for the department of Hospital Architecture (Subcontractor to HDR)
2017/2020 Head Business Development at HDR hospital architects
US-based (Omaha NE) HDR (hdrinc.com). Sharpen the market success of HDR.inc hospital architecture within Germany & northern Europe. I also sup- port their Health Care Consulting (strategic medical planning). Gratuity As- signments: 5 Billion Euro (building costs)
2012/2013 Vice President and Board Member of Executive Directors of the Academic Medical Center, University of Greifswald
General power of attorney commissioned by Executive Supervisory Board for 20 medical departments & 17 academic institutes; In total 4.548 employees. Revenue 200 Mio. Euro per financial year.
2010/2012 CFO / Executive Managing Director Academic Medical Center at University Hamburg
General power of attorney commissioned by Executive Supervisory Board for 8 medical departments (Head&Neck Center and Dental Medicine Center) 298 employees; Rev. 40 Mio Euro per financial year EBIT 4.8 Mio Euro. AMC of Hamburg: 80 departments & institutes approx. 8.600 employees, Revenue 800 Mio. Euro per financial year
2004/2009 CEO & Executive Managing Director German Breast Cancer Screening Program
“Kooperationsgemeinschaft Mammographie”; Cologne and Berlin
General power of attorney commissioned by Executive Supervisory Board
Face to the public and to official institutions for all legal public matters of the German Breast Cancer Screening Program
Executive Management of the roll out of the German Mammography Screening Program for 10 Mio. entitled women (yearly program costs for public: 350 Mio. Euro) under integration of 750 doctors, regional and federal ministry departments and responsible EU commissions
Executive Management supervising centralized quality assurance & epidemio- logical evaluation of the German Mammographic Screening Program.
2000/2004 Managing Director Health Care / Hospital Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers PwC Deutsche Revision AG, Hamburg
Consulting revenue approx. 8 million Euros per financial year
Project management of numerous hospital consultations with main focus strategic & operational hospital risk management, medical quality management, hospital privatizations (merger and acquisitions)
Projects to more than 30 hospitals, of it 8 university medical centers
German representative of the international working group Academic Health Care Centers (AHC) of PricewaterhouseCoopres International Inc.
1998/2000 Senior Consultant / Manager AssTech / Swiss Reinsurance Munich
Consulting revenue approx. 1 million Euros per financial year
Developing Manager & market launch of a new Global Risk Management Consulting Service for Hopitals
Projects in 23 hospitals of all care levels incl. AMC in Germany, Austria and Italy
1997/1998 Business Development Manager, Mercur Value Health / RehaCare
Business/Equity joint venture ‘Munich Reinsurance’ in Munich and the US- Hospital Corporation ‘Health Care of America HCA’ in Columbia
Managed Care / Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) within the German Health Care System
Non-executive budget responsibility of 18 million Euros per financial year Internship Hospital Cost Containment at an intermediate hospital Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Göttingen
Temporary, postgraduate employment for hospital cost containment and Management Controlling