Dr. Philip Stevens
PhD, CEO Noscendo GmbH
Noscendo GmbH
Dr. Philip Stevens
PhD, CEO Noscendo GmbH
Dr. Philip Stevens studied bioinformatics at the University of Tübingen from 2007 to 2012 and earned his doctorate in molecular biology/ bioinformatics from the Max Perutz Laboratories, Vienna a joint Institution of the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna in a collaboration with the Fraunhofer IGB, Stuttgart in 2016. He specialized in algorithmic solutions for pathogen detection in the context of clinical metagenomics utilizing cell-free DNA.
From 2017 on, he served as CEO of Noscendo GmbH, a world leader in pathogen detection from clinical specimens using proprietary bioinformatics and newest sequencing technologies. In 2018 he was recognized as “Innovators under 35” by MIT Technology Review in Germany. In addition, he was named “entrepreneur with the most social impact”. In 2019 he was further awarded “Innovators under 35 in Europe” by MIT-Technology Review.