Dr. Lawrence Friedman †
MD, PhD, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine and CEO of the International Clinical Programs at UC San Diego Health System (UCSDHS) and School of Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine
UC San Diego Health System (UCSDHS) and School of Medicine
R.I.P. – Thank you for your lifelong service for Humanity. The news of the death of Prof. Dr. Lawrence Friedman greatly saddened us (1952 – 2021).
Dr. Lawrence Friedman – Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine and CEO of the International Clinical Programs at UC San Diego Health System (UCSDHS) and School of Medicine
Dr. Friedman is the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine and CEO of the International Clinical Programs at UC San Diego Health System (UCSDHS) and School of Medicine. As the CEO of International Clinical Programs Dr. Friedman works closely with foreign embassies, health ministries and insurance companies to assure individuals worldwide have access to the clinical expertise available at UC San Diego Health System. As a Professor in the School of Medicine, Dr. Friedman is involved with training the next generation of physicians. He works closely with physicians locally and around the world to educate on a variety of topics, most recently related to IT and the application of Telemedicine. Dr. Friedman co-founded the UC San Diego Telemedicine program and has guided its growth throughout California and into several international locations. He also serves as the physician champion for Telemedicine collaboration between all six University of California health sciences campuses. He was also one of the early architects of the UCSDHS electronic health record strategy, data warehouse and health information exchange. His other responsibilities include measurement and improvement of clinical quality in the ambulatory and community setting and has served on several national Committees focused on Quality including the National Quality Forum, Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, University HealthCare Consortium. He is the past UC San Diego Division Chief of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine as well as the Medical Director of Ambulatory Quality and Safety. Dr. Friedman has authored more than 60 publications and is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed medical publications. Dr. Friedman is also the recent past President of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego and is currently a member of the Board at the La Jolla Playhouse.