Dr. Wadie Daniel Mahauad Fernandez
Microbiology and Immunology/Molecular and Cellular Biology
Stanford Medicine
Ph.D. August, 2012 – May, 2016, University of Iowa
Department of Microbiology and Immunology/Molecular and Cellular Biology Program PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, 4.00 GPA
Graduation date: May 13th, 2016
B.A August, 2008 – May, 2012, Augustana University, S.D Bachelor of Arts, Magna cum Laude, 3.84 GPA Graduation date: May 19th, 2012
“Role of Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 (BST-2) in viral pathogenesis and breast cancer progression”:
Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST-2/tetherin) is a type II transmembrane protein that plays various roles, including protective and detrimental roles in the host. Cellular responses to BST-2 expression or the lack thereof, may be cell type and context-dependent and may vary with time. When protective, BST-2 functions as an antiviral factor, renowned for its ability to tether budding enveloped viruses to the membrane of infected cells. Tethering of budding virions prevents their release into the extracellular milieu limiting infection of naïve cells. The antiviral role of BST-2 has been predominantly studied using cultured cells. Insight into the role of BST-2 in inhibition of viral infection in vivo came from our study of the alphavirus Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and the retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus, (MMTV). BST-2 prevents the release of CHIKV and MMTV virions from infected cells and limits the replication of both viruses in mice. In the context of CHIKV infection, BST-2 protects the host in a tissue-type dependent manner. In lymphoid and most non-lymphoid tissues, expression of BST-2 limits CHIKV replication. In addition, BST- 2 regulates CHIKV-induced inflammatory responses in mice, an indication that BST-2 may function to initiate and amplify innate immune responses. Host response to MMTV infection depends on the stage of the infection and disease sequela. Acute infection of immune cells with MMTV results in an initial increase in BST-2 expression followed by a sharp decline. In contrast, in MMTV-induced mammary tumors, BST- 2 mRNA and protein are elevated, so is the viral load. This is an indication that the antiviral role of BST-2 is not operative once mammary tumors have developed. These data provided the initial evidence that BST- 2 may promote breast cancer progression. Indeed, data from two mouse models of breast cancer show that expression of BST-2 is necessary for cell to cell and cell to extracellular matrix interactions. Thus, BST-2 expression in breast cancer cells enhances cancer cell adhesion, anchorage-independency, migration, and invasion, culminating in increased tumor mass, increased metastases, and reduced host survival. Structurally, BST-2 homodimerization is important for its cancer-promoting role as dimers of BST-2 regulate anchorage-independency, resistance to anoikis, and enhanced adhesion between cancer cells and components (proteins and cells) of the tumor microenvironment. How BST-2 is enriched in breast cancer cells was elusive until our in silico analyses of a large human breast cancer dataset that revealed the involvement of epigenetic regulation of BST-2 in breast tumors. In highly aggressive breast cancers, specific CpG sites in and at close proximity to the BST-2 promoter are hypomethylated. This is in sharp contrast to non-aggressive luminal cancers and normal breast epithelial cells. These data suggest that a progressive loss of methylation on the BST-2 gene may contribute to constitutive overexpression of BST- 2 in tumors. Overall, these findings show that 1) BST-2 contributes to the emergence and progression of breast malignancies and may be used as a therapeutic target or as a biomarker for aggressive breast cancers; and, 2) BST-2 acts as a viral sensor to initiate antiviral inflammatory responses and could be exploited therapeutically to treat viral infections. We highlight the need for additional research on the antiviral and cancer-promoting roles of BST-2 to reconcile both functions for the purpose of therapeutics.
Thesis advisor: Dr. Chioma M. Okeoma
Thesis committee: Drs. Jack Stapleton, Adam Dupuy, Aloysius Klingelhutz, Weizhou Zhang and Hasem Habelhah
Biology Courses: Mechanism of Cellular Organization, Graduate Introduction to Animal Viruses, Biology and Pathogenesis of Viruses, Pathogenesis of Major Human Diseases, Transcription RNA, Epigenetics, Cancer and Mouse Models, Inflammation, Cell Signaling and Targeted Cancer Therapy, and Translational Histopathology.
Chemistry Courses: Introduction to Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I, and Organic Chemistry II.
Mathematic Courses: Biostatistics for Biomedical Research
Informatics Courses: Practical Bioinformatics
Physics Courses: Physics for Life Science I and Physics for Life Science II.
Sept. 2017-Present
May 2016-Aug. 2017
April 2013-May 2016
February-April, 2013
August-October, 2012 June-September, 2011
Stanford University, Department of Medicine/Oncology
Postdoctoral Research Scholar (Mentor: Dr. Dean Felsher)
Topic: Understanding the role of the gut microbiome in the growth and regression of MYC-driven cancers.
University of Iowa, Department of Microbiology and Immunology Postdoctoral Research Scholar (Mentor: Dr. Chioma M. Okeoma) Topic: BST-2/Tetherin involvement in breast cancer and possible therapeutic avenues.
University of Iowa, Department of Microbiology and Immunology Graduate research assistant (Mentor: Dr. Chioma M. Okeoma) Topic: Involvement of the antiviral host factor BST-2/Tetherin in tumorigenesis and viral infections.
University of Iowa, Department of Microbiology
Graduate research assistant (Rotation, Mentor: Dr. Wendy Maury) Topic: Effects of A. albopictus saliva in acute Chikungunya virus infection.
University of Iowa, Department of Biochemistry
Graduate research assistant (Rotation, Mentor: Dr. Pamela Geyer) Topic: Transcriptional regulation of developmental genes in drosophila. Augustana University, Department of Biology
Research Student Assistant (Mentor: Dr. Paul Egland).
Topic: Multispecies Oral Bacterial Communities: Defining the Mechanism of Communication between Streptococcus gordonii and Veillonella atypica.
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Ariel L. Kleinschmidt from 2014-2016. Graduated (B.S) at the University of Iowa on May 2016.
Vishal Perera from 2015-2017. Freshman seeking B.S.
Wasifa Naushad, 2015-2017. Short Term Research Assistant at the University of Iowa
Abdul Qaadir King-Mcalpin, 2016-2017. MSTP Student at the University of Iowa.
Angel Cardenas, 2018-Present. Undergraduate Student at Santa Clara University.
ChEM-H Postdoc Retreat Stanford University, Rohnert Park, CA. April 22-24th, 2018. Identification of miRNAs involved in Myc-driven tumor progression. Wadie D Mahauad- Fernandez.
Division of Oncology Stanford Medicine, Stanford, CA. March 14th, 2017. Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 (BST-2) in Breast Cancer Progression. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez.
Cancer Biology Center Sanford Research, Sioux Falls, SD. March 3rd, 2017. The Role of Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 (BST-2) in Breast Cancer Progression. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez.
University of Iowa Hematology Oncology Research Group, Iowa City, IA. February 1st, 2017. TheRole of Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 (BST-2) in Breast Cancer Progression. Wadie DMahauad-Fernandez.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar, Iowa City, IA. January 28th, 2016.Cysteine-linked dimerization of BST-2 in breast tumor growth and metastasis. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Retreat, West Branch, IA. October 3th, 2015.Virus-induced invasion and resistance to anoikis are dependent on BST-2. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M. Okeoma.
34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology (ASV) at Western University, London,Canada, July 11th, 2015. The role of BST-2 In MMTV-mediated breast cancer development. WadieD. Mahauad-Fernandez, Philip H. Jones and Chioma M. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar, Iowa City, IA. April 9th, 2015. BST-2/Tetherin: An antiviral factor with cancer-promoting capabilities. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandezand Chioma M. Okeoma.
The Eight Biennial All Iowa Virology Symposium, Iowa City, IA. March 6th, 2015. The role ofBST-2 in MMTV-mediated breast cancer Invasion. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M.Okeoma.
University of Iowa Levitt Center of Virology, Iowa City, IA. January 23th, 2015. BST-2/Tetherin:An antiviral factor with cancer-promoting capabilities. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez and ChiomaM. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Scientific Retreat, Iowa City, IA. June18th, 2014. Cell-autonomous BST-2 drives mammary cancer malignancy. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar, Iowa City, IA. March 20th, 2013. Roleof PI3K in cancer development and BST-2 expression. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez and ChiomaM. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar, Iowa City, IA. November 16th, 2012.Role of Drosophila Suppressor of Hairy-wing in Neuronal Gene Regulation. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez and Pamela Geyer.
Research Proposal Presentations at Sanford Research, Sioux Falls, SD. June 16th, 2011.Multispecies Oral Bacterial Communities: Defining the Microbiome and Mechanisms of Interspecies Communication. Wadie Mahauad Fernandez and Paul Egland.
AACR Special Conference on The Microbiome, Viruses, and Cancer, Orlando, FL. February 21- 24th, 2020. The gastrointestinal microbiota controls cancer cell intrinsic mechanisms to promote the progression of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez, Soumaya Zlitni, Ami Bhatt, and Dean W. Felsher.
3rd Annual Stanford Microbiome Bioinformatics Symposium, Stanford, CA. September 24th, 2018. Gut microbiota controls cell autonomous mechanisms of MYC-driven tumorigenesis. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez, Soumaya Zlitni, Ami Bhatt, and Dean W. Felsher.
2018 Oncology-Hematology Annual Research Retreat Stanford University, Asilomar, CA. September 19th-21st, 2018. Gut microbiota controls cell autonomous mechanisms of MYC-driven tumorigenesis. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez and Dean W. Felsher.
University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Scientific Retreat, Iowa City, IA. June 21st, 2017. BST-2: A potential target for breast cancer treatment. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M. Okeoma.
9th All Iowa Virology Symposium, Ames, March 31st, 2017. BST-2/Tetherin potentiates motility of virus infected cells: Potential for virus dissemination. Wasifa Naushad, Wadie D. Mahauad- Fernandez and Chioma M. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Common Interview Weekend Poster Session, Iowa City, February 20th, 2016. The role of BST-2 in MMTV-mediated breast cancer development. Wadie D. Mahauad- Fernandez, Philip H. Jones and Chioma M. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Retreat, Iowa City, IA. October 25th, 2014. BST-2 DNA is demethylated in breast tumors and breast cancer cells. Wadie D. Mahauad- Fernandez, Nicholas Borcherding, Weizhou Zhang, and Chioma M. Okeoma.
Mechanisms and Models of Cancer. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. August 12th–16th, 2014. Molecular basis of BST-2 (Tetherin) driven breast malignancy. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez, Chioma M. Okeoma; and, High levels of BST-2 (Tetherin) in tumor cells confer increased aggressiveness and poor prognosis in breast cancer. Chioma M. Okeoma and Wadie D. Mahauad- Fernandez.
University of Iowa Interview Weekend Poster Session. Iowa City, IA. February 1st, 2014. Involvement of BST-2/Tetherin in Cancer Cell Migration, Invasion, and Adhesion. Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M. Okeoma.
University of Iowa Molecular and Cellular Biology Retreat, Iowa City, IA. November 16th, 2013. Involvement of BST-2/Tetherin in Cancer Cell Migration, Invasion, and Adhesion. Wadie D Mahauad-Fernandez and Chioma M Okeoma.
Retroviruses Scientific Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. May 20th–25th, 2013. BST- 2/Tetherin is differentially expressed during MMTV infection and MMTV-induced mammary carcinogenesis and expression in mammary carcinoma epithelial cells is regulated by Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). Wadie D. Mahauad-Fernandez, Philip H. Jones, Chioma M. Okeoma.
Research Poster Presentation at Augustana University. Sioux Falls, SD. September 14th, 2011.Multispecies Oral Bacterial Communities: Defining the Mechanism of Communication between Streptococcus gordonii and Veillonella atypica. Wadie Mahauad Fernandez, Michael Edgington, Rebecca Joerger and Paul Egland.
SPUR Poster Symposium at Sanford Research. Sioux Falls, SD. August 4th, 2011. Multispecies Oral Bacterial Communities: Defining the Mechanism of Communication between Streptococcus gordonii and Veillonella atypica. Wadie Mahauad Fernandez, Michael Edgington, Rebecca Joerger and Paul Egland.
BRIN Poster Symposium at University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD. July 29th, 2011. Multispecies Oral Bacterial Communities: Defining the Mechanism of Communication between Streptococcus gordonii and Veillonella atypica. Wadie Mahauad Fernandez, Michael Edgington, Rebecca Joerger and Paul Egland.
1. Swaminathan S., Hansen A., Solhoej Hansen A., Heftdal L. D., Dhanasekaran R., Deutzmann A., Mahauad-Fernandez W.D., Liefwalker D., Horton C., Mosley A., Liebersbach M., Maecker H., Felsher D. W. MYC Functions as a Switch for Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Immune Surveillance of Lymphoid Malignancies. Nature Communications. 2020.
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Lyu Y, Mahauad-Fernandez W.D., and Okeoma CM. Development and characterization of the shortest anti-adhesion peptide analogue of B49Mod1. Molecules. 2020 Mar 6;25(5).
Mahauad-Fernandez WD, Naushad W, Panzner T, Bashir A, Lal G, and Okeoma C.M. BST-2 promotes survival in circulation and pulmonary metastatic seeding of breast cancer cells. Scientific Reports. 2018 Dec 4;8(1):17608.
Brouillette RB, Phillips EK, Patel R, Mahauad-Fernandez WD, Moller-Tank S, Rogers KJ, Dillard J, Cooney AL, Martinez-Sobrido L, Okeoma CM, Maury W. TIM-1 mediates dystroglycan-independent entry of Lassa virus. JVI. 2018 Jul 31;92(16).
Mahauad-Fernandez WD and Okeoma CM. Bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2): at the crossroads of viral pathogenesis and oncogenesis? Future Virology. 2016 Feb 3; 11(2): 127-140. DOI 10.2217/fvl.15.113
Mahauad-Fernandez WD and Okeoma CM. The role of BST-2/Tetherin in host protection and disease manifestation. Review. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. 2015 Mar 23; 4(1):4-23.
10. Mahauad-Fernandez WD, Borcherding N, Zhang W, Okeoma CM. Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST-2) DNA is demethylated in breast tumors and breast cancer cells. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 10;10(4):e0123931. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123931. eCollection 2015.
11. Mahauad-Fernandez WD, DeMali KA, Olivier AK, Okeoma CM. Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 expressed in cancer cells promotes mammary tumor growth and metastasis. Breast Cancer Res. 2014 Dec; 16(6): 493. PMID: 25499888.
12. Mahauad-Fernandez WD, Jones PH, Okeoma CM. Critical role for bone marrow stromal antigen 2 in acute Chikungunya virus infection. J Gen Virol. 2014 Nov;95(Pt 11):2450-61. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.068643-0. Epub 2014 Jul 22. PubMed PMID: 25053563.
13. Jones PH, Mahauad-Fernandez WD, Madison MN, Okeoma CM. BST-2/tetherin is overexpressed in mammary gland and tumor tissues in MMTV-induced mammary cancer. Virology. 2013 Sep;444(1-2):124-39. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.05.042. Epub 2013 Jun 25. PubMed PMID: 23806386; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4026021.
Mahauad-Fernandez W.D. and Felsher D.W. Myc and Ras Partnership in Cancer: An Indistinguishable Alliance or Contextual Relationship? Perspective paper. Cancer research. 2020
Li Y., Deutzmann A., Sullivan D.K., Dhanasekaran R., Li W., Tong L., Mahauad-Fernandez W.D., Bell J., Mosley A., Felsher D.W. Nuclear to Cytoplasmic Transport is a Druggable Dependency in MYC-Driven Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 2020.
Mahauad-Fernandez WD and Okeoma CM. B49, a BST-2-based peptide, inhibits adhesion and growth of breast cancer cells. Scientific Reports. 2018 Mar 9;8(1):4305.
Naushad W, Mahauad-Fernandez WD, and Okeoma CM. Structural determinant of BST-2- mediated regulation of breast cancer cell motility: a role for cytoplasmic tail tyrosine residues.
Oncotarget. 2017 Nov 29;8(66):110221-110233.
7. Mahauad-Fernandez WD and Okeoma CM. Cysteine-linked dimerization of BST-2 confers
anoikis resistance to breast cancer cells by negating proapoptotic activities to promote tumor cell survival and growth. Cell Death and Disease. 2017 Mar 16;8(3):e2687. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.68.
Mahauad-Fernandez W.D., Deutzmann A, Tong L., Casey S., Rohle D., Felsher DW. Bromodomain Inhibitor RG6146 Elicits Loss of Neoplastic Properties in T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia independent of Transcriptional MYC Regulation. 2020.
Mahauad-Fernandez W.D., Zlitni S., Severyn C., Bhatt A., and Felsher D. W. The Gastrointestinal Microbiota of Cancer-Free Mice Inhibits the Progression of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Immunodeficient Hosts. 2020.
Mahauad-Fernandez W.D. and Okeoma C.M. 2016. Restriction Factors and Chikungunya virus. Chikungunya virus Advances in Biology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment, Okeoma C.M. Ed., Springer Science and Business Media: N.Y., USA.
BST-2 as a therapeutic target and diagnostic marker for breast cancer growth and metastasis. International publication number: WO 2017/011375 A1. International publication date: 19 January 2017. International Application No. PCT/US2016/041699.
Languages: English (Proficient), Spanish (Proficient) and French (Basic knowledge). Travel: USA, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Canada, Egypt, Turkey, and Jordan.
Entrepreneurial Leader during National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps Program, Spring 2016
Pharmacy Microbiology Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Spring 2016Taught three lectures.
Introduction to Animal Viruses Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Fall 2016Taught two lectures, wrote quiz questions and graded final exams.
Introduction to Animal Viruses Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Spring and Fall 2015Taught one lecture, wrote quiz questions and graded final exams.
General Microbiology Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Spring 2015Lead in-class and laboratory discussions, wrote quiz and test questions, graded tests, met one-on-one with students and helped students during laboratory sessions.
Epigenetics, Cancer and Mouse Models Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Spring 2015Taught a few lectures, wrote quiz questions and graded final exams.
Introduction to Animal Viruses Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Fall 2014Taught a few lectures, wrote quiz and test questions and graded tests
Introduction to Animal Viruses Laboratory Teaching Assistant, University of Iowa, Fall 2013Lead in class discussions, wrote test questions, graded tests, met one-on-one with students andhelped students during laboratory sessions.
Graduate Research Assistant. Dept. of Microbiol./MCB Program, University of Iowa, 2012-2016Investigated the function of antiviral factors in disease manifestations.
SPUR Research Student Assistant. Department of Biology, Augustana University, 2011Investigated the symbiotic relationship of oral bacteria.
Laboratory Assistant. Department of Biology, Augustana University, 2010-2012Assisted students during laboratory sessions, made reagents and graded tests.
• Biology and Chemistry Tutor. Department of Biology, Augustana University, 2010-2012 Met one-on-one with students to help them with class lectures and test questions.
American Association of Hispanics in HE/National Academies Inaugural STEMM Meeting Travel Award, 2019
Best Poster at 3rd Annual Stanford Microbiome Bioinformatics Symposium, 2018
Top 10 Finalist Qiagen 2018 Microbiome Awards
The University of Iowa 2016 Inventor Award
Bio-Techne Travel Grant, 2016
GSS Travel Award, 2016
ASV Student Travel Award, 2015
MCB Travel Award, 2014
Helen C. Levitt Center for Viral Pathogenesis and Disease Travel Award, 2013-2016
Graduated Magna Cum Laude – Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
First Place in SPUR Research Poster Symposium at Sanford Research, 2011.
Slate Ronning International Scholarship, 2011
Ernst Kuhn Memorial Scholarship, 2011
Thomas R Greenfield Scholarship, 2011
STEM Teaching Course at Stanford University, CA. 2018-2019.
CIRTL at UIOWA Teaching as Research (TAR) summer course at The University of Iowa, IA.May-June, 2017.
“The Science of Sports” University of Iowa Mini Medical School at The University of Iowa, IA.April-May, 2017
“Mouse Development, Stem Cells & Cancer” Course at CSHL, NY. June, 2016
National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps Program. Atlanta, GA. April-June, 2016
University of Iowa Venture School: How to startup a company
Creating Effective Rubrics
Data Management for Researchers
Grant Writing for the Physical & Biomedical SciencesMEDIA COVERAGE OF RESEARCH
Ecuador coverage: “Wadie Daniel Mahauad Fernández, un joven lojano que triunfa en el mundo de la ciencia” by La Hora newspaper on July 18, 2019. Link: https://lahora.com.ec/loja/noticia/1102258735/wadie-daniel-mahauad-fernandez-un-joven-lojano- quetriunfa-en-el-mundo-de-la-ciencia
USA coverage: “Cracking the microbiome-cancer connection: Meet Wadie D. Mahauad- Fernandez, PhD, postdoctoral oncological research fellow” by Heather Martinez – Associate Director, Global Strategic Marketing, Microbiome at Qiagen on June 20, 2019. Link: http://biomarkerinsights.qiagen.com/2019/06/20/cracking-the-microbiome-cancer-connection- mahauadfernandez/
USA coverage: “Learning More About the Chikungunya Virus” by Jon Fuhrmann at Microbiology Society on August 6, 2014. Link: https://microbiologysociety.org/blog/learning- more-about-the-chikungunya-virus.html
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American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2019
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2019
Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE), 2019
American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), 2016
American Society for Virology (ASV), 2014
Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center (HCCC), 2013AD HOC MANUSCRIPT REVIEWER FOR:• • • • • • •
EC Gynecology Journal, Editorial Panel, 2016 (2 article)
Tumor and Microenvironment Journal (TME), Editorial Board Member, 2016
Clinical and Translational Medicine 2016 (1 article)
Clinical & Experimental Metastasis, 2015 (1 article)
Point Journal of Medicine and Medical Research (PJMMR), 2015 (1 article)
BCBA Science Communication Fellow, 2020
Volunteer at SSRP 2019 Symposium; served as a research poster judge, 2019
Volunteer at KE Foundation Summer Program Teaching Medicine and Psychology, 2019
Volunteer at Palo Alto Humane Society – Cat Rescue, 2018-Current
Member of the SURPAS Diversity and Inclusion Committee, 2018-Current
STEM Institute: Microbiology representative, 2015
University of Iowa Representative at the Biomedical Virtual Grad School Fair, 2015
Molecular and Cellular Biology Retreat Committee member, 2015
Social Events MCB Committee member, 2013-2014
Volunteered at the 5th Annual Fall Undergraduate Research Festival (FURF) at the University ofIowa. Poster Judge, 2014
Volunteered at the Multicultural Center for two weeks, 2009
Volunteered at the Red Cross for one week, 2009
Volunteered at Sanford Hospital, 2008INTERNSHIPS
Internship at the Emergency Room at the Military Hospital in Quito, Ecuador, 2010.
Shadowed three specialists: A dermatologist, a pediatrician, and a gynecologist. Military HospitalLoja, Ecuador, 2010.REFERENCESAvailable upon request
BJBMS Journal, 2019 (1 article)
BMC Gastroenterology, 2019 (6 articles)
Journal of Medical Research Archives, 2019 (2 articles)
Cancer Growth and Metastasis, 2018 (1 article)
Cell death and Disease, 2017 (1 article)
Journal of Oncology and Cancer Research (JOCR), 2017
Journal of Biomarkers, Genetic Disorders and Therapy, Editorial Board Member, 2016