46th World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federation Oct 25-27, 2023 in Lisbon
The Lisbon Congress Center, also known as the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa
The World Hospital Congress offers a unique opportunity to engage with global healthcare leaders and exchange innovative ideas in a dynamic and collaborative environment. Join us at this premier event and gain invaluable insights into emerging trends, cutting-edge innovations, and leading practices in healthcare management, enabling you to drive positive change in your organization. On behalf of the IHF, bem-vindo—welcome—to the beautiful city of Lisbon for the 2023 World Hospital Congress, “Global Learning, Local Action.” Deborah J. Bowen, FACHE, CAE - President, International Hospital FederationHEALTHApéro Düsseldorf “III” November 14th, 6pm-9pm, 2023
INDUSTRY-CLUB Elberfelder Straße 6 40213 Düsseldorf GERMANY
Join us on February 27th 2023 6pm to 9pm @ the INDUSTRY-CLUB DÜSSELDORF - for New Year Reception of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Düsseldorf-Milano-Chapter empowered by these Keynotes: I. Ernst-Martin Walsken, Founder HEALTH 4.0 "From the National to the European Perspective" II. Dr. Pierre Michael Meier, CEO Entscheiderfabrik - "Decision-Maker-Delegation USA 2023" III. Adam Gründer, CEO 10xD GmbH - "10xD: Accelerating the Transformation together"Though to reflect together from the Rhein-Ruhr versus the European and International Perspective towards 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE - Smart Health powered by Smart Healthcare Business and to present you also the program and projects of HEALTH 4.0 in Cologne and THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB HEIDELBERG, ISLANDS and BERLIN FORUMS together for 2023 we invite you to join our HEALTHApéro Düsseldorf "II" in February, 2023 starting 6pm ct @ the Industry-Club Düsseldorf.After 9pm we meet at the Bar for informal togetherness.Please register online on our linked Eventcreate-Page and please respect that due to the location we are limited to max. 100 Participants. Though we will send you an confirmation of your registration and please be so kind to avoid non-participations. Please respect the Etiquette of the Industry-Club. You are welcome!DxPx Industry & Investor Partnering Conference Europe – Düsseldorf November 14th-15th, 2023
The DxPx Industry & Investor Conference is the only dedicated partnering conference focusing on Diagnostics, Digital Health, Precision Medicine, and Life Science Tools. DxPx has an exclusive focus on these areas as its founders all previously built companies in this field and recognized that these areas are typically underrepresented at partnering conferences where the majority of investors focus on other life science fields – mostly therapeutics and biotech. With the help and support of partners such as Roche Diagnostics the first DxPx conference was launched in 2018 to offer a home for “ugly ducklings” and investors who have an interest in these. Today, DxPx has developed into an established series of international partnering events that is an official partner of AACC as the largest diagnostics conference in the world. In Europe, DxPx is always cohosted with MEDICA to help all participants to make their travel budget count and also attend this conference while in town. We continue to bring people together so that our participants can build long-lasting trustful partnerships with investors, industry leaders, startups, and accelerators.HEALTHAPÉRO BERLIN “VIII” November 22th, 6PM, 2023
INTERNATIONAL CLUB BERLIN - Thüringer Allee 5-11 - 14052 Berlin - GERMANY
HEALTHApéro "VIII" of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Berlin-New York-Chapter @ INTERNATIONAL CLUB BERLIN. Join us to prepare the THCC BERLIN FORUM October 13th-14th, 2023: The UNIVERSITY & ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER Leadership Summit powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB serves as an catalyst and hub for more sustainable Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships ("4P's for UMC's" – Innovation powered by Philanthopy) - Your participation is welcome.PMWC 2024 – PRECISION MEDICINE WORLD CONFERENCE Jan 24-26, 2024
Silicon Valley, USA @ Santa Clara Convention Center
The Foremost Precision Medicine Conference - The Largest & Original (Est. 2009) Forum for Precision Medicine:- Gathering recognized leaders, top global researchers and medical professionals, plus innovators across healthcare and biotechnology sectors
- Showcasing latest practical content that helps close the knowledge gap among different sectors
- Promoting cross-functional fertilization & collaboration to accelerate Precision Medicine
- Main Tracks and Showcases (7 Total) that provide a mix of established and upcoming perspectives
- Luminary and Pioneer Award Ceremony honoring those who transform health care by advancing precision medicine in the clinic
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB HEALTHApéro Dubai “II” January 28th, 2024
Park Hyatt Dubai Golf Creek & Yacht Club Dubai 2822 United Emirates
The Dubai-Singapore-Chapter of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB will be inaugurated in 2023 in Dubai. Though to reflect together towards 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE and to present you the international program and scaleable Twin-Chapter-Strategy of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB we invite you to join our HEALTHApéro Dubai "II" in June, 2023 starting 7pm GST. Prof. Julia Finkeissen, THCC Advisory Board & Chair Munich-Brussels Chapter Dr. Ali Tinazli, THCC Board of Experts Dr. Klaus Rensing, THCC Board of Ambassadors, THCC Düsseldorf-Milano-Chapter Siegfried M. Berger, THCC Ambassador, THCC Berlin-NY-Chapter Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, President The Health Captains Club You are welcome!LOCATIONPark Hyatt Dubai Golf Creek & Yacht Club Dubai 2822 United EmiratesDATE & TIMEJanuary 28th, 2024 7pm-10pm (GST)Golf Standard TimeBLANQUET-FORUM Biike Days on the CAPTAINS ISLAND Föhr Feb 20th-22th 2024
Captains Island Föhr in the Worldheritage Waddensea
February 21th – THE BIIKE DAY February 21th is since centuries the traditional Biike-Day in North Frisia and the arrival day of our international speakers & guests for our ONE HEALTH and LOGEVITY for All FORUM on February 22th on the green CAPTAINS ISLAND Föhr powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB. North Frisia is a part of the German state Schleswig-Holstein, it is located in the Northwest on the Northern Sea, it includes the Seafaring Islands Föhr, Amrum and Sylt. Maybe some of you have ancestors from North Frisia. The North Frisian emigration overseas began in the early 17th century. During that time sea men from the region travelled on Dutch vessels to New Amsterdam, what we know today as New York City. During the 19th century mass migration began from North Frisia. Today there is hardly a native family in the region that has no relatives or ancestors somewhere overseas. FEBRUARY 20th - SUSTAINABILITY CAPTAINS ISLAND FORUM - "From Island-centered towards World-centered" FEBRUARY 21th - #BIIKE - Every year on 21 February the communities on the North Frisian islands, on the coast and in Southern Denmark say goodbye to winter by lighting bonfires shortly after sunset. FEBRUARY 22th - HEALTHY LOGEVITY - BLUE ZONES - ONE HEALTH FORUM
HEALTHApéro Munich “VII” February 21th, 6pm, 2024
Café Roma Maximilianstrasse 33 in Munich
Join us on February 21th, 2024 6pm @ Café Roma in Munich - The Munich-Brussels-Chapter of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB started in September 2021 in Munich. September 30th, 2021 we had our first Chapter HEALTHApéro at Café Roma in Munich with more than 30 Participants. February 21, 2024 we are celebrating THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB New Year's Reception @ Café Roma Munich and the HEALTHApéro Munich "VII" to welcome our new members and guests.Though to reflect together towards 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE and to present you also the program and projects of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB for 2022 and 2023 we invite you to join our HEALTHApéro Munich "VII" on February 21, 2024 starting 6pm ct @ Café Roma Maximilianstrasse 33 in Munich. Limited to 100 Participants. KEYNOTE February 21th, 2024: "THE HEALTHY LONGEVITY CHALLENGE" - Source NAM - National Academy of Medicine 2023 @ "By 2030, for the first time in recorded history, the old will begin to outnumber the young. This demographic shift poses significant social, economic, and health challenges, but also presents an unprecedented opportunity for accelerating research, innovation, and entrepreneurism in the field of healthy longevity – thereby building more vibrant societies and economies worldwide." Prof. Julia Finkeissen, Co-Chair Munich-Brussels Chapter Prof. Christian K. Lackner, Co-Chair Munich-Brussels Chapter Prof. Thomas Gottwald, Medical Board Hubertus Schmidt, Board of Ambassadors Dr. Rolf Porsche, Board of ExpertsDr. Viktoriya J. Savenko, Secretary General of The Health Captains ClubDr. Henri M. von Blanquet, President of The Health Captains ClubYou are welcome!NEW YEAR RECEPTION BERLIN, NY, MUNICH, BRUSSELS, DÜSSELDORF, MILANO, FRANCFORT, TEL AVIV, KRAKOW, ZAGREB, BASEL, MIAMI, DUBAI, SINGAPORE ..
#SustainabilityDay #FEB21 #THCC #Leadership #OneEarth #OneHealth THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB celebrates his New Year Reception to welcome our new Members on Board and to present our Events, CO-Hosts and Projects 2024 and to reflect on our Passions - "Wofür brenne ich" - and on 360º ONE HEALTH together being fully synchronized with the traditional "Biikebrennen" on the North Frisian Islands Föhr-Amrum-Sylt and the Biikedays powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB with the ONE HEALTH FORUM on February 22 on Föhr Island powered by our Island-HQ. 2023 we celebrated "20 Years The Health Captains Think-Tank" - 2003-2023 with starting the Bike-Days February 20th on Föhr Island and our traditional Islandcycle Föhr-Amrum-Sylt May 18-22, 2023. 2024 we synchronize between all THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Twin-Chapters in Europe an beyond to focus on the #SustainabilityDay #FEB21 with international Keynotes to promote #OneHealth: “ONE HEALTH IS A RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTIRE SOCIETY AND INSIDE THE SOCIETY ONE OF THE KEY LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES THAT CAN`T BE DELEGATED – TOGETHER FIRST. In Europe and beyond”THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB HEALTHApéro Frankfurt “II” @ TechQuartier Feb 21th 6pm
TechQuartier Platz der Einheit 2 60327 Frankfurt am Main Germany
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Frankfurt-Tel Aviv-Chapter was inaugurated in April 2023 @ HEIDELBERG FORUM - European Health Summit 2023 - and a Health Captains Delegation visited the Sheba Medical Center ARC Innovation Summit in Tel Aviv in June 2023. The Bridge is set. In Frankfurt THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB could open the TechQuartier, the Healthcare Shapers and medzudo as CO-Hosts to start with the first HEALTHApéro in Frankfurt on October 4th, 2023 together. THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Frankfurt-Tel Aviv-Chapter focus on the #HealthyLongevityChallenge; Source @ https://healthylongevitychallenge.org - "Healthy longevity means maintaining physical, mental, and social health and well-being as we live longer. By extending the healthspan, people can stay active in their families and communities, remain in the workforce and contribute to the economy, and enjoy fulfilling and productive lives well into their later years." Program and Registration onlineDMEA BERLIN April 9-11, 2024
Messe Berlin
The DMEA is one of Europe's most important events for digital health. From 25 to 27 of April 2023 experts from the digital health industry meet for three days in Berlin. In addition to a comprehensive market overview, the DMEA offers all players a wide range of opportunities for intensive exchange, targeted networking and effective customer acquisition.EUROPEAN HEALTH SUMMIT @ THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Heidelberg Forum 2024 – #EHS24
Heidelberg @ Hotel Europäischer Hof - www.europaeischerhof.com
With a world leading medical faculty since 1388 Heidelberg is one of the leading European Health Sciences Clusters with the Heidelberg University, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and many more. It enables a powerful international pharma-, biotech-, medtech- and healthcare provider industry from Mainz to Basel, from, Frankfurt to Strasbourg.
The 2st Sheba Longevity Conference – 2024
Sheba Medical Center | Tel Aviv, Israel
On May 10-11, 2023, Sheba Medical Center will bring together leading experts; clinicians; science and technology professionals; policy representatives; investors; and others from across the globe for an event that will change lives - literally. The 1st Sheba Longevity Center Conference will inspire all participants to think about how to not only extend their own lifespan but also to maximize the number of days that the rest of our community lives in good health. Networking opportunities will get everyone engaged in important dialogues that will no doubt continue over time. This special event marks the launch of the first longevity center in the world to be established within an academic medical center. Key areas of focus include maintaining physical and cognitive function; hearing and sight; physical flexibility; hormonal balance; and improvements in diet and sleep.THE HEALTH CAPTAINS ASPARAGUS LUNCH @ ÜBERSEE-CLUB HAMBURG May 8th, 1-3pm, 2024
ÜBERSEE-CLUB, Neuer Jungfernstieg 19 - 20354 Hamburg - Germany
Schedule @ Übersee-Club HamburgAsparagus Lunch Wednesday before Ascension Day at 1pm - May 17th, 2023, 13:00-15:00Chaired by the EU-US-WEST COAST Twin Chapter of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and CO-Hosts The asparagus meal is a jour fix and meeting point for THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and especially for the ISLANDCYCLE-Participants from home and abroad, after landing at Hamburg Airport, on the way to Föhr-Amrum-Sylt Island. The asparagus meal is also often one of the first contacts with the Health Captains for many guests and starting point for numerous carpooling to Dagebüll Mole, the ferry port to Föhr and Amrum Island. The asparagus meal on personal invitation is limited to 44 participants due to the limited capacity of the Übersee-Club. Please give us a hint if we haven’t asked you to join.| 13:00Come together in the GRAND HALL @ Übersee-Club Neuer Jungfernstieg 19, 20354 Hamburg, GermanyCome together at Übersee-Club Hamburg - the Club was established with the goal of "fostering Hamburg's status in the world", the Club has always been a venue that attracts outstanding minds from the worlds of commerce, politics, culture and learning – a "talking gallery" to cite the famous banker Max M. Warburg's words at the association's founding assembly in 1922.| 13:15Welcome Note by the President Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet and Faculty-Members of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE towards THE HEALTH CAPTAINS TALKS for Next Generation LeadershipWelcoming the Candidates by the COLLEGE Faculty and the President: THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE is the Leadership Academy to shape the Excellence of “360-Degree Next-Generation multiprofessional and international Leadership for the HEALTH INDUSTRY, HEALTH SCIENCES and HEALTH POLICY”.| 13:30Asparagus Lunch @ Übersee-ClubThe Asparagus Lunch ties in with the history of Heidelberg asparagus eating: The Heidelberg Asparagus Meeting (also: Heidelberg Asparagus Affair, Heidelberg Mockage) was a series of public statements by Heidelberg Corps students directed against Adolf Hitler from May 21, 1935 in Heidelberg , which accelerated the process of dissolving student ties in the Nazi German Reich. Corps members criticized Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. Source: Wikipedia. - By far the highest number of academics among NSDAP members fell on the group of Medical Doctors. With this very conscious historical reference to our annual asparagus meal, THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB point out the high level of involvement of medicine in the Hitler regime and honor medical professionals who, then as now, differentiate themselves from totalitarian regimes in their attitudes and their active activities. This is a natural and clear attitude that Health Captains want to adopt visibly.| 13:45Lunch-KeynoteHonorary member of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB| 15:00Transfer to the Ferry towards Föhr IslandLooking forward after arriving on Föhr Island to enjoy with other Health Captains your first or traditional THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB COCKTAIL from Manhattan and Föhr Island – with Faith, Love, and Hope.THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB ISLANDFORUM – The Health Captains Talks on Föhr Island 2024
Föhr Island - www.foehr.de & www.faehre.de
towards 360º NEXT GENERATION LEADERSHIP in Europe and beyond"HEALTH IS A RESPONSIBILTY OF THE ENTIRE SOCIETY": Our moderators. keynote speakers and panelists represent the wide spectrum of experts in THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB - from global enterprise executives to entrepreneurs and public health leaders: Partners, Family, Friends and Colleagues are welcome - since 2003.
The Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024
Radialsystem, Holzmarktstraße 33, 10243 Berlin
The Rejuvenation Startup Summit (Berlin, May 10-11, 2024) is a vibrant networking event that brings together startups and members of the Longevity venture capital/investor ecosystem – all aiming to create therapies to vastly extend the healthy human lifespan. Rejuvenation/Longevity biotech is a new, emerging field of medicine. It aims to prevent and reverse the diseases of aging by addressing their common root cause, the aging process itself. In addition to an exciting range of presentations from CEOs of startups in the fields of rejuvenation & longevity, the summit features an all-day startup forum for networking, panel discussions, and keynote presentations. Starting midday on Friday and finishing off on Saturday night with a party for all attendees, the summit offers ample opportunity to connect with some of the most promising leaders in the field Find our more @ https://forever-healthy.orgTHE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB ISLANDFORUM Health Entrepreneuer Talks on Amrum Island 2024
Amrum Island - www.amrum.de
ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR SMART HEALTHCARE AND SMART HEALTH FOR ENTREPRENEURSSmart healthcare uses a new generation of information technologies, such as the internet of things (loT), big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, to transform the traditional medical system in an all-round way, making healthcare more efficient, more convenient, and more personalized. With the aim of introducing the concept of smart healthcare, in this symposium, we first list the key technologies that support smart healthcare and introduce the current status of smart healthcare in several important fields. Then we expound the existing problems with smart healthcare and try to propose solutions to them. Finally, we look ahead and evaluate the future prospects of smart healthcare.THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB ISLANDFORUM Health Foundation Day on Sylt Island 2024
Sylt Island - www.sylt.de
The #HealthFoundationDay = #Gesundheitsstiftertag on SYLT ISLAND on May 22, 2023 is the first multi-stakeholder exchange platform for health foundations of its kind in Europe: New interdisciplinary, transsectoral and "silo-free" forms of cooperation for the patient benefit of health foundations among themselves and the health foundations with the health sciences, the The health economy and health policy benefit all those responsible for the more than 1,000 foundations in Germany alone that deal with medicine. New, barrier-free interaction for patient benefit and more sustainability for our healthcare systems is our common goal.Call for Speakers and Chairs for 2023 is open: Health Foundation Day on Sylt on May 22, 2023 from 10 a.m in the Kaamp Hüs in Kampen on Sylt
The ARC Summit 2024 of the Sheba Medical Center Tel Aviv
David Intercontinental Hotel
The ARC Summit 2023 is our annual community flagship event that brings together the ARC Community Members’ diverse minds and executives from technology, medicine, and public health from all over the world. It accentuates a unique strategy, one that Accelerates innovation and Redesigns healthcare by Collaborating with partners. The ARC Center is powered by the Sheba Medical Center. The ARC Center (Accelerate, Redesign, Collaborate) for Digital Innovation at Sheba Medical Center in Israel brings together all the players in digital medicine – physicians, researchers, startups, industry leaders, academia, investors, and top-tier medical centers for the goal of redesigning healthcare. The driving mission behind ARC Center is to improve patient care, using innovation to provide real value to patients. In addition to incubating outside startups, ARC releases internally developed technology. The program runs approximately 20 to 30 startups each year and operates a large digital health innovation fund in conjunction with TriVentures, a Herzliya-based venture capital firm. ARC’s model of sustainable innovation has been so successful that it has already been exported to other countries, such as ARC Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. Established in 1948, Sheba Medical Center is now the leading medical center in the Middle East and an internationally recognized healthcare facility. In 2019, Newsweek magazine named Sheba on their prestigious global top ten hospital list. Since then, Sheba has maintained its top ten ranking in all subsequent yearly lists.13th ISABS CONFERENCE 2024
Dubrovnik / Croatia / EU
Dear Health Captains, dear Colleagues, please join us at the 13th International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS) Conference on Forensic and Anthropological Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine and Nobel Lectures @ Dubrovnik, Croatia, June, 2024. (www.isabs.net).CAPITAL CONGRESS Medicine & Health BERLIN 2024 – #HSK24 – Hauptstadtkongress
HUB27 Messe Berlin Jafféstraße 2, 14055 Berlin
The Capital Congress Medicine and Health 2023 will take place from June 14th to 16th, 2023 - again at the HUB27 Berlin. The congress is the annual leading event of the healthcare industry. During the three days of the congress, decision-makers from politics, clinics, healthcare, the medical profession, medical research, nursing and payers will discuss the most urgent challenges in the healthcare sector. Three specialist congresses are held under the umbrella of the Capital Forum Health Policy, the Management Congress Hospital Clinic Rehabilitation, the German Nursing Congress and the German Doctors Forum. Special formats of the congress are e.g. Insurance Day, the Pharmacy Forum, numerous satellite symposiums and – new – the Interprofessional Health Congress.HEALTHApéro HAMBURG “III” September 17th, 6pm, 2024
ANGLO-GERMAN CLUB Harvestehuder Weg 44 20149 Hamburg
ENGLISH:Join us on September 17, 2024 6pm @ the Bar of the Anglo-German-Club Hamburg - The Hanseatic Health Talks in joined Forces together with THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB are Co-Hosting this informell Brainpool in the Context of the traditional Gesundheitswirtschaftskongress #GWK23.Though to reflect together from the North German Perspective and beyond towards 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE - Smart Health powered by Smart Healthcare Business and to present you also the program and projects of The Hanseatic Health Talks and THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB together for 2023 and 2024 we invite you to join our HEALTHApéro Hamburg "III" on September 17, 2024 starting 6pm ct @ the Bar of the Anglo-German-Club Hamburg next to the the famous Alster Lake next to the City of Hamburg.Please register in Person online on our Eventpage - click the Button below - please respect that due to the location we are limited to 100 Participants.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GERMAN:Come together @ Bar des #GWK-Kongresshotels Elysée.Willkommen an Bord: September 17, 2024 18 Uhr @ the Bar of the Anglo-German-Club Hamburg - DAS HANSEATIC HEALTH FORUM und THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB sind gemeinsam Gastgeber dieses informellen Brainpools im Rahmen des traditionellen Gesundheitswirtschaftskongresses #GWK24. Gemeinsam wollen wir aus Hamburger und norddeutscher Perspektive auf 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE und brennende aktuelle Themen, die uns gemeinsam bewegen, blicken. Dabei wird Ihnen auch das Programm und die Projekte 2024/2025 des HANSEATIC HEALTH FORUM`s und von THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB vorgestellt. Wir laden wir Sie ein, am 17. September 2024 an unserem HEALTHApéro Hamburg ab 18 Uhr ct teilzunehmen. Auf Basis der strengen Complianceregeln in der Gesundheitswirtschaft Einzelinkasso für Getränke und Speisen. You are welcome on Board!GESUNDHEITSWIRTSCHAFTSKONGRESS HAMBURG Sep 18-19, 2024
GRAND ELYSEE Hotel Hamburg Rothenbaumchaussee 10, 20148 Hamburg
The German Perspective @ Gesundheitswirtschaftskongress Hamburg: Transforming the Health System now! In many places, the previous health system no longer works satisfactorily. Increasingly, in rural areas, doctors' positions cannot be filled in a timely manner or even not at all. The local hospitals there are having great difficulty recruiting sufficient specialist staff to maintain care. That doesn't always work out. That is why the restructuring of the healthcare system is at the top of the agenda. Competition or planning, entrepreneurship or the state, these are the big questions that will determine public discussions. The GERMAN HEALTH INDUSTRY CONGRESS in Hamburg is exactly the right place to develop and formulate the positions of those responsible in the industry. The event is the most important platform for decision-makers from companies in the various health service providers, the health industry, service providers, financial service providers and specialist consultants, research and teaching institutions as well as health insurance companies and insurance companies. This is where ideas and thoughts are exchanged with politicians and associations. The presence of those responsible from Germany and neighboring countries from Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Area on the one hand and Austria and Switzerland on the other hand makes the GERMAN HEALTH INDUSTRY CONGRESS HAMBURG the first address for top management. Important impulses for further public debate emanate from the congress. The Congress President Professor Heinz Lohmann look forward to welcoming you on September 18th and 19th, 2024.UNIVERSITY & ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER Leadership Summit @ THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB BERLIN FORUM Oct 11-12, 2024
Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung Robert-Koch-Platz 7, 10115 Berlin, Germany @ www.medicinale.berlin
THE UNIVERSITY & ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER (UMC & AMC) Leadership Summit Berlin of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE - "INSTITUTE FOR UNIVERSITY AND ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER AND HEALTH FOUNDATIONS STRATEGY STUDIES AND HEALTH LONGEVITY, BLUE ZONES AND ONE HEALTH BUSINESS FOR SUSTAINABLE MEDICINE AND HEALTH" on October 11-12, 2024 serves as an catalyst and hub for more sustainable Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships ("4P's for UMC-AMC's" – Innovation powered by Philanthopy) - this gives the knowledge exchange and access to medical-related foundations as funders on the one hand and innovative next-generation university medicine on the other hand to have their own strategic scientific UMC-AMC-Platform to optimize the acquisition of third-party funded research projects towards 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTH- AND LIFECARE, NEXT GENERATION UMC & AMC LEADERSHIP, #HealthyLongevity, #BlueZoneCommunities and #OneHealth. Since there has not yet been a specific and scalable hub between endowment funders and Academic Medical Centers third-party fund recipients in Europe, we are dedicating ourselves to our THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Berlin Forum is the UNIVERSITY & ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER Leadership Forum on 11.-12. October 2024 in the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Foundation next to Charité on the 1st day of the Berlin Medicinale Symposium the exchange and access exclusively to University Hospitals & Academic Medical Centers (UMC`s & AMC's) and Health Foundations willing to fund research and innovation. About 250 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTERS and about 400 Medical Schools are are located in Europe alone and about 1.000 Health Foundations are located in Germany, internationally you can scale up this catalytic power of Health Foundations. Added to this strategic focus your UMC-AMC-Specifics are the source of inspiration for UMC-AMC-Panels are welcome: Our expansion of International AMC Alliances and Hubs is for sure a unique pro for you and your AMC! Your Input is welcome. We recommend in this same perspective the visit of the World Health Summit Oct 13-15, 2024 - www.worldhealthsummit.org. afterwards our UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER (UMC) Leadership Summit @ www.medicinale.berlin on Oct 13th-14th, 2023 in the Center of the THCC BERLIN FORUM at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Foundation. We are limited to 150 UMC-AMC Participants. Welcome on Board @ THCC - R.S.V.P. per Email towards President@healthcaptains.college
Hotel Berlin Central District Stauffenbergstraße 26 10785 Berlin, Germany & Digital
The World Health Summit is the unique international strategic forum for global health. Held annually in Berlin, it brings together stakeholders from politics, science, the private sector, and civil society from around the world to set the agenda for a healthier future by inspiring innovative solutions for better health and well-being for all. The World Health Summit was founded in 2009 on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. It is traditionally held under the patronage of the German Chancellor, the French President, the President of the European Commission, and the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). President of the World Health Summit is Axel R. Pries, Dean of Charité. In addition to the World Health Summit in Berlin, there are annual Regional Meetings and regular Expert Meetings around the world. These meetings are organized by the M8 Alliance, the academic backbone of the World Health Summit. The World Health Summit and the World Health Organization are joining forces to foster global health and well-being of all. The World Health Summit 2024 from October 13-15 is the third World Health Summit together with WHO. WHS 2024 is part of a long-term close collaboration, as WHO has been a strong strategic partner of the World Health Summit since its very beginning. WHS and WHO are both dedicated to the well-being of all people. To give everyone everywhere the chance to live a healthy life is a global effort, and the key to achieve better health for all lies in collaboration and open dialogue, guided by science. This is what WHS 2024 stands for. “We must build our future on improved worldwide health: equitable health everywhere with a healthy planet as the basis. For all of you, the joint World Health Summit 2022 together with WHO will be the forum to foster these goals.” Axel R. Pries, World Health Summit President
October, 2023
November, 2023
January, 2024
February, 2024
April, 2024
May, 2024
June, 2024
September, 2024
October, 2024