There will be no substitute for meeting in person
TRACK-System to navigate SYNAPTING
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB wants to facilitate sustainable togetherness and to scale the knowledge of Neuroleadership to get from classic Networking towards sustainable Synapting for HEALTH CAPTAINS.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB has no focus to built or run is own conference system. Instead and because of the enormous number of events we try to navigate us together with our alliance partners through this jungle and organize sustainable meetings in person and in-between online to keep actions going.
To find our more about the Potential of SYNAPTING inside THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB visit our
- TWIN-CHAPTERS to connect two Metropols and Medicine & Health Science Business Clusters
- TOPIC-CHAPTERS for Scientific Result-, Innovation- and Technologie-Transfer
For the additional SYNAPTING we implement an Conference Track System and if you are missing an impactful conference you are welcome to give us your additional input anytime – because of the COVID19-Crisis-Shock we see now converging traditionell conference platforms synchronizing with the new digital formats as hybrid-systems. We want to take part in this development for our members and partners to built an strong Alliance System for sustainable Medicine for sustainable Health:
- Track 1: Global Conferences
- Track 2: European Conferences
- Track 3: National Conferences
- Track 4: New (New Talents, New Science, New Start-Up`s, New Solutions and Innovations)
- Track 5: Showcase Events
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Members are synchronizing together in an Working Continuum of CORE´s of 5, THINK-TANK´S of 15, BRAINPOOL´s of 50 and FORUM´s of 150. To keep the Neuroleadership-Experience going the maximum size of participants taking part in our self-organized events is limited to 150 – this corresponds to the Dunbar Number 150 and Tipping Point Number 150.
This is our elementary internal organizational structure to achieve SYNAPTING to enable sustainable innovative and creative encounters for our speakers, chairs, members and our guests to publish together results towards sustainable value-based HEALTHCARE, HEALTHY LONGEVITY for All, BLUE ZONES COMMUNITY CARE and ONE HEALTH LIFECARE.
In this way we overcome traditional ineffective patterns in our structure of action and interaction. We mustn’t lose any more time to finally arrive at a verifiably sustainable medicine after decades and to establish value-based sustainable Health worldwide now.
The Club WORKING CONTINIUM of 5, 15, 50, 150 Members
The Club WORKING CONTINIUM of 5, 15, 50, 150 by Dunbar to create Tipping Points and Medici Effects towards 360º NEXT GENERATION LIFECARE
Join as Member our Working Continuum System of
We keep this structure for Online- and in Person-Meetings to navigate towards One Health together and to achieve Leadership for exploring sustainable Health