The THINK-TANK`s of 15
The THINK-TANK´s of 15 are the Sounding-and Knowledge-Boards of the CORE´s of 5
The THINK-TANK´s of 15 are all based on the Neuroleadership-Experience and are anchored as knowledge- and expert-networks inside THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE (starting in October, 2022 after THE WORLD HEALTH SUMMIT BERLIN) to share their Input, Expertise and Leadership to accelerate the achievement of more sustainability for Medicine 4.0 and One Health out of our eco-system responsibilty and capacity: HEALTH 4.0 is a responsibility of the entire society and leadership starts with all of us: Today not tomorrow.
You are welcome on Board to join THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB to act for sustainable Health in togetherness. Together we make it happen!
All THINK-TANK´s are synchronized with the CORE´s of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB. The CORE-Teams are the Leadership for our THINK-TANK-System.
By transferring sustainable Results and Solutions out of the “Working Continuum” of the CORE´s, THINK-TANK´s and our Forum and Symposia Panels we transfer knowledge towards THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE to built Information Commons inside the Institute:
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE is the International Institute of Health Industry, Health Sciences and Health Policy for sustainable Health 4.0 and One Health. Acting transdiscisplinary via THINK-TANK´s together we support to shape the Excellence of sustainable Results and Solutions in Europe and beyond.
The THINK-TANK´s of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB are building and leading the Institute by delivering open source results to accelerate change towards HEALTH 4.0 and ONE HEALTH together.